Exploding life
Things have become very busy lately.
In the past I’d say I couldn’t handle the amount of energy and time it takes to get all this done. But due to my rapid and intentional expansion, this year has me filled with intense energy. And I’m both making it happen and allowing it to happen. I’m vibrating on a new frequency and I feel it’ll only increase from here.
I’ve officially begun working as a personal trainer and group fitness instructor. It’s come full circle from over half a lifetime ago; when I wanted to become a trainer, a nutritionist, get a college degree in movement physics. It feels really GOOD to come back to an intrinsic desire after getting lost for a while.
It’s also exciting to be making art while I’m busy. This used to be impossible in the midst of my decade of depression. I’ve been finishing up two paintings (one is now complete) and have ideas/materials for a fresh one (a new color vision experienced during yoga).
The prospect of serving others never excited me until I understood what that meant, and finding ways I love to serve. I was able to offer help to my amazing yoga studio by redoing their entire chalkboard, and recently helping during a street event. It cost me nothing but time and art and fun. I’m also ecstatic in my new occupation, to help folks move better and feel more comfortable in their bodies as they move along their life path. The body is a unique vessel that should be respected regardless of how it takes form. You can grow more connected despite the body’s characteristics.
I offer my deepest gratitude to all who have supported me. Whether it’s technical help with life things, online platform assistance, gift cards and donations to purchase art supplies, words of encouragement or support during grief, spending time with me as a partner, a friend, any and all of these generous, wonderful, inspiring, warm-hearted humans. You make my journey so much richer, and way more fun.
It’ll only get busier and change-ier as the details work themselves out. But I expected and was foretold that this year into the next few would be A LOT. I was nervous, but now riding an insane wavelength. I’m eager to continue playing this game with the universe and seeing what unfolds.
— Below is some stuff I’ve gotten into —
This was so fun to do, and made the board way more legible.
(COME TO onlYoga!!)
Drawing mandalas at a street event
Little artists adding color (permission granted by parents for photos)
This one is finally done after adding gradient around the edges.
Still in progress. Had to sit on this one 6-8 months before coming back to it. It be like that sometimes.